كيف تحسب إعاقتك في لعبة الجولف: الدليل النهائي


Calculating Your Golf Handicap: الدليل النهائي

First off, a golf handicap isn’t something you have to have. It’s simply a way to even the playing field for you and your fellow golfers. بعد كل ذلك, no one wants to be the odd man out, حق? And having one also allows you to keep track of your progress, analyze your weak points, and improve in these areas. If you’ve ever wondered how to calculate your golf handicap, لقد جئت إلى المكان المناسب.


The golf handicap is the number of strokes you have been deemed over par on a particular course. As you progress through the game of golf, your handicap decreases in relation to your ability. Calculating a golf handicap is an essential part of the game, as it gives golfers of all skill levels a level playing field. In order to calculate your golf handicap, you must have completed at least five rounds of golf. To do so, تحتاج إلى طرح أفضل وأسوأ درجاتك من متوسط ​​درجاتك. ثم, اقسم هذا الرقم على منحدر الدورة. هذا الاختلاف هو الفرق الخاص بك.

عامل آخر في تحديد إعاقة الجولف هو نوع كرة الجولف التي تستخدمها. ستنخفض إعاقتك في لعبة الجولف وفقًا لذلك إذا كنت تستخدم كرة ذات تصنيف 103. تعتبر كرة الجولف ذات التصنيف الأعلى أفضل بالنسبة ليوم عاصف. كما أنه سيقطع مسافة أقصر, مما سيقلل من تأثير الانهيار الكارثي. بهذه الطريقة, you can figure out what the best golf ball is for any given situation.

قرأ:  ماذا يحتاج لاعب غولف مبتدئ?-سبورتسجلوب

Preferred Lies

The ‘Preferred Liesof calculating your golf handicap is rules about the position of the ball when it is in play. A golf ball is in play when it is placed on the ground. ومع ذلك, if you move the ball while it is in play, you will incur a penalty stroke. Preferred lies aren’t official rules of golf; they are local rules that may or may not apply to your course.

If a golf course has preferred lies, these scores must be posted in order to determine your handicap. عمومًا, these lies are only used if the conditions on the golf course are not conducive to fair play. In extreme conditions, the committee may adopt winter rules. This is an important consideration in order to maintain the normal scoring difficulty. ومع ذلك, if you are using preferred lies to score a low score, you must be aware of what those rules are.

Course Rating

A golf course’scourse ratingis the metric used to calculate your handicap. إنه رقم واحد يمثل مدى صعوبة ثقب معين. عادة, مساواة الدورة هي 72. درجة المقرر الدراسي هي تقريب تقريبي لتلك الدرجة. كلما ارتفع تصنيف الدورة, كلما كانت الدورة أكثر صعوبة. تحتوي بعض الدورات على أكثر من تقييم لدورة واحدة وكل منها يتوافق مع نقطة انطلاق مختلفة.

يتم تمثيل منحدر الدورة بعدد صحيح يقع بين 55 و 155. كلما ارتفع الرقم, كلما كانت الدورة أصعب بالنسبة للاعبي الغولف. بصورة مماثلة, تصنيف منحدر 105 indicates that a golf course is more difficult for bogey players than for scratch players. Each set of tees has its own slope rating. If a golfer knows the slope rating of each tee, it’s easy to figure out his or her handicap.

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Slope Rating

The slope rating of a golf course is a measurement of the course’s difficulty compared to par. This rating is calculated using several criteria and assumptions. ومع ذلك, it is not an exact science and there can be disagreements among golfers about its accuracy. حقيقة, the slope rating can vary from course to course. أيضا, the slope rating differs depending on the type of tees used on a course.

The slope rating is an important component of a golf handicap calculation. The slope represents the increase in difficulty for a golfer who shoots a bogey on a course that is more difficult than a scratch player. In a similar manner, the slope represents the difficulty of a course’s terrain. The slope number is not as significant as the rating. To get an accurate rating, a golfer must know both the slope number and the USGA course rating.

Calculating a handicap

If you’re new to the game, calculating your golf handicap can be a daunting task. ومع ذلك, if you follow the steps outlined below, it will become simple. The first step is to keep score, which you can do with a scorecard or an app. The more scores you have, the more likely it is that you will improve your handicap. التالي, you’ll need to calculate the percentage of your score that is below your handicap.

One method of calculating your handicap is to use the old-school method. Using scores from five to 20 rounds, you’ll need to factor in the difficulty of the course as well as any per-hole limits. To calculate a golf handicap, you’ll need to know the slope and rating of the course you play. The standard difficulty rating for a course is 113. If you don’t have this information, a spreadsheet will do the trick.

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Keeping a record of your handicap

Keeping a record of your golf handicap is a great idea for a number of reasons. أولا, ستعرف عدد الضربات التي يمكنك إجراؤها في حفرة معينة. هناك أيضًا إرشادات جديدة لتعطيل ثقوب الجولف تسمى Net Double Bogey, مما يعني أن اللاعب بامتداد 15 لا يمكن للإعاقة إطلاق النار على شبح مزدوج زائد واحد على حفرة مصنفة في المرتبة الحادية عشرة من حيث الصعوبة.

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