Informações básicas sobre


Informações básicas sobre basquete

Basquete é o jogo mais popular nos Estados Unidos. A maioria de suas regras são semelhantes ao jogo de futebol. O aro é o alvo dos jogadores. O aro é uma bola de metal que está presa ao aro de basquete. O basquete não é um jogo de força, mas mente e corpo. Como controlar o aro é a primeira lição que um jogador deve aprender.

Existem muitos aspectos importantes do basquete que só são aprendidos com a prática constante. Neste artigo, vamos coletar algumas informações básicas sobre o jogo de basquete. Algumas das coisas básicas sobre o basquete são descritas:

Basketball is played between two teams of 5 players each. A game of Basketball has two teams of 5 players playing on a marked rectangular court. The width of the court is 9 pés. The game’s goal is to throw or throw the ball through the hoop, qual é 10 feet tall with a 6-inch diameter. The game must be played within 2 minutes and 30 segundos. The ball may be advanced by dribbling or passing it to another teammate during the play. Only the player holding the ball is allowed to advance.

In Basketball, the game begins with a jump ball in which the player shooting the ball puts the ball through the hoop. The player must dribble the ball well and fast while running as fast as possible. The player must not carry the ball while running, or the time limit begins. If the player is dribbling the ball and runs ahead of the other player, he is still allowed to continue the play.

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During the play, the player must not change his pace or speed of dribbling and must keep his head as flat as possible. The player can cross in a goal area orassium209Sand Joseph Kick the ball goal area.

When a player has won, he makes a basket; if he misses a basket, he has made a free throw. Only the free throw is allowed after two fouls. Players cannot pick the ball up while it is in the air. During the game is counted up to accumulate the team score.

During the game’s playing, the player’s chest must touch the surface of the ground within a minute. Two free throws are given to the player, one if he goes in range for a field goal and the second if he is shot while in line for a shot at the basket. While the player is running to shoot a free throw, if his chest touches the ground or is judged to have lost his balance, the player will automatically be out of the game. Only the player holding the ball is allowed to shoot the free throw. The ball must remain to rest on the ground or two feet from the player, and the ball must touch the ground or be touched by another player before entering the game.

O basquete está entre os jogos mais populares já inventados. A maioria dos cursos de instrução no país são relacionados ao basquete. A Associação Nacional de Basquetebol, uma organização sem fins lucrativos, foi fundado em 1936 e é o órgão dirigente do Basquetebol nos Estados Unidos da América.



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