Principal 10 Campos de golfe que você não pode perder-Sportsglob


Principal 10 Golf Courses You Can’t-Miss

You’ve probably heard of the famous Sand Hills course if you’re a golfer. Designed by C.B. McDonald, Sand Hills pays homage to grand old British holes and is considering a strategic masterclass. Dentro 1911, Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw redesigned the course in Lincoln, Nebraska. Inspired by the undulating landscape, the course was designed with wind-shaping bunkers.

Pebble Beach Golf Links

If you love to play classic golf courses, Pebble Beach Golf Links is a must-see. The oceanfront setting of this course is spectacular, e seus furos de assinatura incluem Nos. 7-10, que são elevados quatro andares acima do green inferior. Esses buracos no topo do penhasco são uma reminiscência dos cursos de links clássicos, mas os jogadores terão de se concentrar no seu swing com o oceano do lado esquerdo do fairway.

Bandon Dunes

Se você mora na área da baía de São Francisco, você pode ficar tentado a dirigir diretamente para Bandon Dunes. Infelizmente, que não o levaria ao campo de golfe antes de fechar, e você teria que sair à meia-noite. Além do incômodo de dirigir 9 hours to Bandon Dunes, you would also be sitting in a car for nine hours. Em vez de, consider a stop along the way, such as Crescent City. That way, you will be able to get the most out of your time on the golf course.

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PGA West Stadium Course

When planning your next trip to Los Angeles, you cannot miss the PGA West Stadium Course. This golf course was home to the Bob Hope Classic and was one of the first courses designed by Pete Dye. This golf course also hosts the Desert Classic Golf Tournament. It is an excellent starting hole and requires only two good shots to win. The Stadium Course also has some interesting history.

Onondaga Golf and Country Club

Onondaga Golf and Country Club were established in 1898 and showcased the Walter Travis design. Located on the shores of Lake Delta, this course measures over 6,500 yards and is renowned for its deep bunkers and fast greens. Regardless of skill level, Onondaga will provide you with a memorable game. The Onondaga Golf and Country Club is one of the top 10 golf courses you can’t miss!

Tiger Woods’ Eagle Eye

If you love to play golf, you’ll be thrilled to learn that Tiger WoodsEagle Eye Golf Course is available for download on the Nintendo Switch. This golf simulator has five single-player game modes. Training mode is designed for beginners; Stroke mode allows you to play on any of the seven courses in the game. Other modes unlock additional courses. Tournament mode allows you to play against human players in various minor tournaments to win the grand slam.

TW Tillinghast’s The Glass

The mystery surrounding TW Tillinghast’s work is nothing new. Foi apenas recentemente que seu trabalho final foi descoberto na Carolina do Norte. Foi descoberto na Igreja Episcopal da Trindade em Asheville, NC, dentro 1912. Também estava ligado à falecida pintora Laura Hope-Gill. Embora Tillinghast tenha sido marginalizado na história, seu tratamento não é incomum para artistas de minorias e mulheres. Vários esforços recentes têm procurado reexaminar o cânone da história da arte.

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Monarch Beach Golf Links

Monarch Beach Golf Links é para você que procura um desafio, curso cênico no sul da Califórnia. The course winds through coastal hills and high-end neighborhoods and features numerous memorable holes. The course has plenty of opportunities to hit a heroic shot, but it’s not penal. It will challenge even the best golfers while providing ample entertainment for the worst ones.



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