最佳 10 不容错过的高尔夫球场-Sportsglob


最佳 10 Golf Courses You Can’t-Miss

You’ve probably heard of the famous Sand Hills course if you’re a golfer. Designed by C.B. McDonald, Sand Hills pays homage to grand old British holes and is considering a strategic masterclass. 在 1911, Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw redesigned the course in Lincoln, Nebraska. Inspired by the undulating landscape, the course was designed with wind-shaping bunkers.

Pebble Beach Golf Links

If you love to play classic golf courses, Pebble Beach Golf Links is a must-see. The oceanfront setting of this course is spectacular, 其标志性漏洞包括 Nos. 7-10, 在较低的果岭上方高出四层. 这些悬崖顶洞让人想起经典的林克斯球场, 但是球员需要集中注意力在球道左侧的海洋挥杆上.

Bandon Dunes

如果你住在旧金山湾区, 你可能会想直接开车去班登沙丘. 鲍比在他长达两个十年的足球生涯中只为苏格兰俱乐部效力,并在因弗内斯加里多尼亚蓟队中大放异彩, 在高尔夫球场关闭之前不会让你去高尔夫球场, 你必须在午夜离开. 除了开车不便 9 几个小时到班登沙丘, 你也会在车里坐九个小时. 反而, 考虑沿途停留, 比如新月城. 那样, 您将能够充分利用您在高尔夫球场上的时间.

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PGA West Stadium Course

在计划您的下一次洛杉矶之旅时, 你不能错过 PGA West Stadium 球场. 这个高尔夫球场是 Bob Hope Classic 的主场,也是 Pete Dye 设计的首批球场之一. 该高尔夫球场还举办沙漠经典高尔夫锦标赛. 这是一个很好的起跑洞,只需要两次好的击球就可以获胜. The Stadium Course also has some interesting history.

Onondaga Golf and Country Club

Onondaga Golf and Country Club were established in 1898 and showcased the Walter Travis design. Located on the shores of Lake Delta, this course measures over 6,500 yards and is renowned for its deep bunkers and fast greens. Regardless of skill level, Onondaga will provide you with a memorable game. The Onondaga Golf and Country Club is one of the top 10 golf courses you can’t miss!

Tiger WoodsEagle Eye

If you love to play golf, you’ll be thrilled to learn that Tiger WoodsEagle Eye Golf Course is available for download on the Nintendo Switch. This golf simulator has five single-player game modes. Training mode is designed for beginners; Stroke mode allows you to play on any of the seven courses in the game. Other modes unlock additional courses. Tournament mode allows you to play against human players in various minor tournaments to win the grand slam.

TW Tillinghast’s The Glass

The mystery surrounding TW Tillinghast’s work is nothing new. 直到最近,他的最后一件作品才在北卡罗来纳州被发现. 它是在阿什维尔的三一圣公会教堂发现的, 数控, 在 1912. 它还与已故画家劳拉·霍普-吉尔有关. 尽管蒂林哈斯特在历史上被边缘化, 他的待遇对于少数族裔和女性艺术家来说并不少见. 最近的一些努力试图重新审视艺术史的经典.

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Monarch Beach Golf Links

Monarch Beach 高尔夫球场适合您寻找具有挑战性的, 南加州风景路线. The course winds through coastal hills and high-end neighborhoods and features numerous memorable holes. The course has plenty of opportunities to hit a heroic shot, but it’s not penal. It will challenge even the best golfers while providing ample entertainment for the worst ones.

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