Top Ukrainian Boxer Is Choosing His Country-Sportsglob


Top Ukrainian Boxer Is Choosing His Country


A top Ukrainian boxer has turned down an opportunity to fight in a world championship match to stay home and defend his country. The two-time Olympic gold medalist decided to stay in his native country and fight Australia’s George Kambosos Jr., who holds the major lightweight title. Lomachenko plans to remain in his native Ukraine to defend the country’s honour.

A top Ukrainian boxer chooses his country instead of a world title fight. Vasiliy Lomachenko is a former lightweight champion linked with a June 5 bout with Australian lightweight George Kambosos. The fight was cancelled after the latter’s recent decision to join a territorial defence battalion in Ukraine. He later flew to Greece and returned to his home outside of Odesa.

Lomachenko’s decision to stay in Ukraine is that the Ukrainian government has banned men between 18 和 60 from leaving the country. The Kyiv government is blocking any male boxer from leaving the country for any reason, so Lomachenko’s team has been seeking permission to leave the country for the fight. He is joining the likes of the Klitschko brothers and Oleksandr Usyk in taking up arms against Russia. The rumours surrounding the upcoming fight are not only concerning the boxer but also affecting the sport.

While his opponent George Kambosos Jr. is the current world lightweight champion in Australia, Lomachenko’s decision to stay in Ukraine is surprising to fans. Although he is one of the most popular boxers globally, 他对这个决定不满意. 他选择留在自己的祖国,而不是在澳大利亚与对手追逐世界冠军. 他将能够在他热爱的国家战斗.

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一位顶级乌克兰拳击手正在选择他的国家. 洛马琴科, 三重量级世界冠军和两届奥运会金牌得主, 由于乌克兰的政治动荡,他拒绝在澳大利亚进行世界冠军争夺战. 然而, 乌克兰政府还限制涉嫌反俄宣传的人员流动. 内政部在这方面制定了严格的规定, 这可能会阻碍即将到来的冲突.

瓦西尔·洛马琴科, 三重量级世界冠军和奥运会金牌得主, has turned down a world title fight in Australia and opted to stay in 乌克兰. 这位前轻量级冠军与即将在澳大利亚与希腊冠军乔治·坎博索斯 (George Kambosos Jr) 进行的冠军争夺战有关。. 上个月. 他决定加入领土防御营,飞回家乡比尔霍罗德-德涅斯特洛夫斯基.

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